Place a headline about your disciplines here.

It's like a newspaper headline. Make it catchy and brief.

Insert your content. Try to limit your content to a maximum of 2 - 3 sentences so that you don’t lose your readers interest. A great way to break up large amounts of text is to create additional blocks.

Rehab & Sports Massage Therapy

Sports Massage is as old as massage itself.

These orientations may be listed and summarized as:
1. Pre-Event Sports Massage
2. Inter-Competition Sports Massage
3. Post-Event Sports Massage
4. Maintenance Sports Massage
5. Sports Massage Therapy
1. Massage performed prior to an athletic event or some form of
physical activity (Pre-event); 2. Massage performed during the
competition in between activities or in substitution shifts
(Inter-competition); 3. Massage after the completion of the activity
(Post-event); 4. the regular treatment performed to the athlete on a
weekly or bi-weekly basis away from the training field or competitive
environment (Maintenance), and finally; (5) the treatment applied in
the situation of an injury or performance limiting condition (Sports
Massage Therapy).

Posture PerFIT Program **NEW**

MINI PROGRAM: Posture PerFITly Aligned [Postural Assessment + Massage Therapy (TREATMENT ONLY)]

Posture PerFIT ENHANCED: [Virtual Postural Assessment + Personal Training & Remedial Exercise instructions --> 12 weeks program] **COMING SOON**

Posture PerFITly ALIGNED: [Virtual + in-person Postural Assessment + Personal Training & Remedial Exercise instructions + Massage Therapy Treatments --> 12 weeks program] [For BEST RESULTS] **COMING SOON**

INITIAL VISIT? Let's have a 15 min phone chat first to help decide how we can help

Consulting /providing expert advice to help you with your pain and discomfort at home /provide self-care instructions.
Following consultation will be an Assessment and a Therapeutic Treatment.

If you are looking for cupping or sports massage (or any specialized treatments) kindly book the Initial Visit and text 905-439-7768 OR book a 15 minute phone consultation to ensure that you are scheduled with the right Therapist for your needs and goals.

Treatments by Condition

(TCM) Acupuncture - Traditional Chinese Medicine

Heather, (TCM) Acupuncturist, is here to assist with chronic pain, anxiety/depression, circulatory balancing, digestive system balancing, women's health/hormone balancing, fertility (reproductive health), etc., through treatments like Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and cupping.

Book a 15 min Discovery Call (complimentary)!

Traditional /Alternative Therapies

Including Indian Head Massage, and Dynamic Cupping therapies

*SERVICES/FEES PER PRACTITIONER: Our system works on a graduated scale, meaning each Practitioner has varying fees. To find out the services offered within this Discipline and the respective charges, please select a practitioner on the right.

Traditional /Alternative Therapies (including Thai massage, Indian Head massage)

Thai massage or "Thai yoga massage" is a traditional healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures.
Thai massage, like Thai traditional medicine (TTM) more generally, is a combination of influences from Indian, Chinese, Southeast Asian cultural spheres, and traditions of medicine, and the art as it is practiced today is likely to be the product of a 19th-century synthesis of various healing traditions from all over the kingdom.

Massage Therapy + pamper add-on treatments

We all know that here at Stone RMT - rehabilitation, muscle therapy, pain-relief, and postural alignment is the key to our services and goals.

But sometimes, we understand that you may wish for a little relaxation and pampering, at least to complete your treatment at best.

Therefore, choose one of these treatments should you be one of the people, or this be one of the times, that you need a little pampering and/or hydrotherapy goodness!

Just leave it to us ~ we literally "got your back"

More Treatments will be added to this section therefore, stay tuned, and keep on the look-out ...

Studio Rentals

Looking to rent space? Contact us for more information.


Donation-Based Yoga Classes.
Minimum donation is $10 and donate up to $25/class. Ask about our intro offer, class passes, and memberships.


Donation-Based Fitness Classes.
Minimum donation is $10 and donate up to $25/class. Ask about our intro offer, class passes, and memberships.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

This cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It is believed to naturally improve the skin's appearance, making it look younger, smoother, and overall healthier. Unlike injections, facial acupuncture targets both aging signs and overall skin health, holistically!

Have extended health care benefits to cover Acupuncture? Even better!
Book a 15 min Discovery Call (complimentary)!